Wednesday, June 18, 2008

PT: Getting Around using Modes

Last time we talked a little bit about the different Modes that Pro Tools lets you use to get around. We're already really familiar with Slip Mode, and in the last class we got introduced to Shuffle Mode. Today we're going to get quickly introduced to the remaining two Modes: Grid and Spot.

Please do the following:

1. Look on the Media Share drive and copy the folder called Rootsy to your hard drive.
(Media Share>Class Materials>Rootsy)
2. Open the Pro Tools session.
3. Take a minute to listen to the beat and get a feel for it. (It's just basic - 2 verses, 2 choruses).

So we're just going to be importing 2 little pieces of audio to enhance the song and we're going to use the two different modes to make it happen.

4. So let's make 2 new audio tracks to put them on. Please make them Stereo Audio tracks. Label the first one Spooky and the other one EPiano.
5. Now let's set the mode to Grid.
6. In order for the grid to line up with our song we now have to make sure the tempo of the session is set right. Click on the Red Triangle to open up the tempo dialog box.
Set the tempo to 98 BPMs. Notice how the blue lines are right on time with the Bars and Beats of the song.

Now let's find the audio that we want to bring into the song. The files are actually already in the session, we just have to find it in the Region Bin.

7. Click on the double arrows in the bottom right of the window to open the Region Bin.
8. Find the Region called Spooky Synth and drag it onto the track called Spooky.
9. Place it at Bar 9.
10. Now let's loop this four times. We can either do this by copying and pasting, or by going into the Region menu and clicking Duplicate. I want four loops of this region.
11. When you've got four loops, now I want you to copy and paste all four to a different part of the song. Paste them starting at Bar 33. Listen to the part and what come after it.

Now we're going to use Spot Mode to get the last part into the song.

12. Put Pro Tools into Spot Mode.
13. Make sure that only the track called EPiano is highlighted.
14. In the Region Bin, drag the region called EPiano into the session.
15. A dialog box will open up and ask you where you want it to go. Be sure to set the Time Scale is set to Bars and Beats. In the Start Section, enter 17.1.000. Pro Tools should drop it right at Bar 17.
16. Now make a copy of this and past it at Bar 41.

Listen back to the song and make sure everything is in time. Have the instructor check it and you're done.

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