Saturday, April 5, 2008

Recreate a beat - part 2

Now we're going to continue creating the Dumb It Down beat.

Take a quick listen to get reacquainted with it:

Pay attention to how the drums are switching up. How do they change? How
often do they change?

Ok, so we've already knocked out the first part of the beat. What you'll notice is that every 2 bars, the kick drum changes up. Other than that, the beat stays constant. So all we need to do is to create a new drum pattern with all the notes in exactly the same places, just with a different kick drum sound. Actually, we already loaded the 2nd kick sound into Slot 2 last time, so we can just go ahead and make a new pattern in the Redrum.

BUT, since we're just doing pretty much all the same notes and changing one thing, let's just copy and paste our original pattern:

1. Click on Pattern 1 in the Redrum.
2. Go to Edit>Copy Pattern
3. Now click on Pattern 2 in the Redrum
4. Go to Edit> Paste Pattern
5. Click the Run button to listen to the pattern. (Make sure Enable Pattern Section is lit up)
6. Now click the Select button at the bottom of Slot 1 and make a note of all the notes that are lit up (1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12). Click on each of these and turn them off.
7. Now click Select on Slot 2.
8. Click on all the notes that were previously lit up in Slot 1.
9. Hit Run to listen to the new beat.

Now let's get the new pattern down into the sequencer.

1. Set the loop points to mark off one bar:
L on bar 3, R on bar 4.
2. Click on the Redrum track on the left of the Sequencer window.
3. Click on Pattern 2.
4. Go to Edit>Copy Pattern to track.
5. Click on Enable Pattern Section to make sure you don't play back two copies of the beat.
6. Hit play and make sure it's playing back right.

Now for the last step, let's arrange it so our two drum loops switch off every 2 bars.

1. Click on the
Region of the first drum loop in the Sequencer window and go to Edit>Copy.
2. The
Playhead should move to Bar 2. Go to Edit>Paste.
3. Now click on the Region of the second drum loop and go to Edit>Copy.
4. The Playhead should be at Bar 4. Edit>Paste.

So now you should have a full 4-bar loop. Move your Loop markers to loop the whole thing:
Put the L on Bar 1, and the R on Bar 5.

Hit play and listen to the sweetness of the beat.


In the last lesson, we will be moving on to the melody...

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