Wednesday, July 9, 2008

{Aux Exercise 2 - Subgroups}

1. Launch Pro Tools and open one of your most complete songs.
2. Create a new Stereo Aux track.
3. Make the input of the track Bus 1-2.
4. Decide what tracks you want to group together (I recommend either vocals or drums) and label your Aux track appropriately. Example: "Vocal Aux"
5. Change the Outputs of all the tracks you want grouped to be Bus 1-2.
6. Do any necessary adjustments to make those tracks sound balanced relative to one another.
7. Now Insert a compressor onto the Aux track and adjust the settings to make it sound good. Hint: you can use the preset settings as a starting point.
8. Create a second Aux track to use for FX. Remember, in order to get sounds to the Aux track, use the Aux Send section of the track, NOT the Output.

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