Monday, July 7, 2008

{Aux Track exercise)

Using the PT session we created in class with Bedrock, let's learn how to put a Reverb plugin on an Aux track and send the main vocals to it.

1)Copy the PT session folder to your hard drive. Open the session file called "bedrock_nicolle_exercise.ptf".
2) Listen to the song as it is. Try adjusting the volume levels of the tracks:
- Yarrow Aux
- tino aux
3) Create a new Stereo Aux track. Name it "Verb".
4) Set the input of the track to Bus 5-6.
5) Insert a D-verb plugin on the track (Reverb>D-verb)
6) Set the Aux Sends to Bus 5-6 on the following tracks:
- yarow.02
- tino
7) Raise the Send Levels to give the right amount of reverb to the two main vocal tracks (Yarrow's and Tino's).
8) Try changing the settings of the reverb plugin to give the tracks different feels.
9) Save the session and show the instructor.

Now try applying this concept and add some reverb (or other FX) to your own song.

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