Monday, July 21, 2008

{Logic Express: remix exercise}

Working with the Logic sessions you just created, we are now going to remix each other's work.

Please do the following:

1. Save your current project.
2. Click on the Mixer tab in the Editing Area of the project.
3. Pull down all the faders.
4. Now move over to the seat of the person on your right.
5. IMPORTANT: Before you do anything else, in that person's Logic session do a SAVE AS. Call the project "Logic loops remix"
6. Now start pulling up the faders and check out what the other person has done with this song.
7. Go crazy and remix this any way you want. Move regions around, rearrange stuff, whatever you want. But please do the following:

- Pan everything at least a little bit except the Drums and Bass. Try to get some call and response going on.
- Insert FX plugins on the different tracks. You are already familiar with Reverb and Delay. Some other interesting ones can be found under Distortion, Filtering, and Modulation.

NOTE: Don't add any new loops of your own. Try to just switch up the material the other person gave you.

Don't forget to save when you are done.

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