Saturday, May 17, 2008

Exporting Audio from Reason - part 2 (Exporting Individual Tracks)

So, Exporting Songs is fairly straightforward. However, if we want to really work with our beats in a mixing software program like Pro Tools, then we really want to be working with individual tracks, not entire songs.

That means we need to figure out how to get those individual tracks out of Reason. There are a couple different ways to do this, but the most straight forward is to Export the individual audio tracks in exactly the same way that we did the Stereo Mixes. One important difference, though, is that we need to Bypass the Mastering Combinator when we export. We do this because the Mastering Combinator is meant to be working on an entire song, not on just one instrument. Therefore, it's going to do weird things to the track if you just have a single instrument running through it.

To Export Individual Audio Tracks, do this:
  1. Make sure you have a folder created where you can store all your tracks.
  2. Bypass the Mastering Suite Combinator.
  3. Check all the volume levels of your tracks and adjust them as needed.
  4. Set the E to the end point of your song.
  5. Solo the individual track you want to work with in the Mixer.
  6. Go to File>Export Song as Audio File.
  7. Choose the folder that you are saving your work to.
  8. Name the file whatever the instrument is. Example: "Drums.wav", "Bass synth.wav", etc.)
  9. Hit Save.
  10. Choose your Sample Rate and Bit Depth. Again, unless you have a specific reason, the following are fine:
    • Sample Rate: 44,100 Hz
    • Bit depth: 16
And you're done! Stay tuned to learn how to import your tracks into Pro Tools...

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