Wednesday, May 28, 2008

{Interview Assignment}

"What is the single most important issue facing your generation?"

This is the question I have for you.

Whatever your answer is, I want you to explore the issue by getting some opinions from your classmates. To do this, I want you to do the following:

  1. Think about the question.
  2. Come up with 5-10 questions of your own that explore the issue.
  3. Interview 5 of your classmates and have them answer your questions. Record the interviews in Pro Tools. Call the session "Class Interviews_(your name)".
  4. Once you have all the interviews recorded, create a new track called "Final"
  5. Edit together all the best parts of the 5 interviews. Get creative and put them together in a way that makes sense to the listener.
  6. Turn in a copy of the Pro Tools session and a text document with your questions.
The Pro Tools session should have:
  • Each interviewee recorded on a separate track.
  • Each track labeled with the the interviewees' names.
  • Good levels (no clipping!).
For the text document, you can use Open Writer to type up your questions.

Please call this file "Class Interview Questions_(your name)".

Please put a copy of both the Pro Tools session and the text document on the Media Share folder in Media Share>Student Work>Pro Tools stuff>Class Interviews.

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