Monday, May 5, 2008

{FX Routing Assignment}

Working as a class we're all going to take some turns putting FX and processors on my beat.

Here's what I want:
  • All the drums routed to their own tracks.
  • A Scream on the Kick Drum (Reason Factory Soundbank>Scream Patches>Warpkicks)
  • The same Delay on the snare and Shaker (using the Aux Sends)
  • A Unison on the Subtractor.
  • Put an Envelope Filter (Bandpass) on the Piano.
  • A Phaser on the Malstrom.
  • A Chorus/Flanger on the Piano (after the Filter).
  • A little RV7000 on everything! (using the Aux Sends)
  • An MClass Mastering Suite Combinator on the whole mix (aka after the Mixer).

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